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Get Your Master's Degree With a More Flexible Schedule


Choosing the right graduate program is an important step in preparing for a career in speech-language pathology. We know that many of you have life situations that prevent you from moving to a campus to study full-time. That's why we developed our three-year, part-time online program with the same rigorous curriculum as our residential program and taught by the same faculty. It's our same high-quality education, just a more flexible schedule. Our state-of-the-art graduate program is rigorous and innovative and requires a short residency each summer.

Online Program Details

Student Achievement Data

Online Graduate Program Completion Rate

Reporting period (cohort years)Number Completing on TimeNumber Completing Later than on TimeNumber not CompletingPercent completing on time
3 Year Average98.5%   

Online Graduate Program Praxis Pass Rates

Reporting periodNumber Taking the ExamNumber Passed ExamPercent Passed Exam Rate
3 Year Average87%  

Note: The Praxis exam reporting period is the testing year or examination cycle, not the year of graduation for the test-takers. The data for each reporting period may include test-takers who graduated from the program within the prior three years.

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Communication Sciences and Disorders Department