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Leadership Library Book Directory
Alphabetical Resource Guide

Below you will find a book list organized A-Z with information about each title. This list includes Diverse Voices Book Challenge books and books by previous Forum speakers.
# | |
Title | Author |
The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential | John C. Maxwell |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change | Stephen R. Covey |
The 8 Mandates of Personal Leadership: The Student Guide to Take Charge of Your Life, Lead Yourself, and Make a Positive Difference in the World | Eric Sachetta |
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow | John C. Maxwell |
50 Digital Team-Building Games: Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures Using Social Media, Smart Phones, GPS, Tablets, and More. | John Chen |
60 Ways to Relieve Stress in 60 Seconds | Manning Rubin |
101 Ways to Make Meetings Active: Surefire Ideas to Engage Your Group | Mel Silberman, Assisted by Kathy Clark |
101 Ways to Make Training Active | Mel Silberman |
201 Ice Breakers | Edie West |
The 1001 Rewards and Recognition Fieldbook | Bob Nelson |
1001 Ways to Reward Employees | Bob Nelson, Foreword by Ken Blanchard |
A | |
Title | Author |
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian | Sherman Alexie |
Active Citizenship Today Field Guide | Constitutional Rights Foundation |
Advising Student Groups and Organizations | Norbert W. Dunkel & John H. Schuh |
All But My Life: A Memoir | Gerda Weissmann Klein |
Amateur: A True Story About What Makes a Man | Thomas Page McBee |
The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace | P.S. Perkins |
The Art of the Steal: How to Protect Yourself and Your Business from Fraud, America's #1 Crime | Frank W. Abagnale |
B | |
Title | Author |
Backpack to Briefcase: Steps to a Successful Career | Life After Graduation, LLC |
Bad Feminist | Roxane Gay |
Bad Sports: How Owners are Ruining the Games We Love | Dave Zirin |
The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies - How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths | Michael Shermer |
Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in the Age of Globalization | Reza Aslan |
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking | Malcolm Gladwell |
Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water | Maude Barlow |
C | |
Title | Author |
A Case for Servant Leadership | Kent M. Keith |
The Collaborative Leadership Fieldbook: A Guide for Citizens and Civic Leaders | David D. Chrislip |
College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice | Shaun R. Harper & Frank Harris III |
Communication for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions | Cheryl Hamilton with Cordell Parker |
The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders | Ira Chaleff |
Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies From a Life at Disney | Lee Cockerell |
D | |
Title | Author |
Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen | Jose Antonio Vargas |
Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority | Tim Wise |
Deeper Learning in Leadership: Helping College Students Find the Potential Within | Dennis C. Roberts, Foreword by: Helen S. and Alexander W. Astin |
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders | Alicia Gaspar de Alba |
Developing Leadership through Student Employment | Anne Devaney |
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most | Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton & Shelia Heen, Foreword by: Roger Fisher |
Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, & Opportunities | Richard D. Bucher |
Diversity's Promise for Higher Education: Making it Work | Daryl G. Smith |
Do the Kind Thing: Think Boundlessly, Work Purposefully, Live Passionately | Daniel Lubetzky |
E | |
Title | Author |
Effective Performance Appraisals: A Practical Guide for More Productive and Positive Performance Appraisals | Robert B. Maddux |
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: A Guide for College Students | Macy Levy Shankman & Scott J. Allen |
The Employee Handbook for Organizational Change: Facing Problems, Finding the Opportunities | Price Pritchett and Ron Pound |
Encouraging Development in College Students | Clyde A. Parker |
Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family | Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia |
Everyone Communicates Few Connect: What the Most Effective People do Differently | John C. Maxwell |
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City | Matthew Desmond |
Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference | Susan R. Komives, Nance Lucas, & Timothy R. McMahon |
F | |
Title | Author |
The First Human: The Race to Discover Our Earliest Ancestors | Ann Gibbons |
A First Look at Communication Theory | Em Griffin |
First Things First | Stephen R. Covey |
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable | Patrick Lencioni |
The Fraternity Leader: The Complete Guide to Improving Your Chapter | Patrick Daley |
Fuel Stop: Finding Power, Energy & Support for Life's Journey | Joan Fleming |
G | |
Title | Author |
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity | David Allen |
Getting Together: Icebreakers and Group Energizers | Lorraine L. Ukens |
Girls Fight Back!: The College Girl's Guide to Protecting Herself | Erin Weed, Foreword By: Robert J. Martin |
Goal Setting: How to Create an Action Plan & Achieve Your Goals | Susan B. Wilson & Michael S. Dobson |
The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities | Will Allen |
Good Guys: The Eight Steps to Limitless Possibility for Fraternity Recruitment | Matthew Mattson & Joshua Orendi |
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't | Jim Collins |
Guided Imagery for Groups: Fifty Visualizations the Promote Relaxation, Problem-Solving, Creativity, & Well-Being | Andrew E. Schwartz |
H | |
Title | Author |
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide | Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn |
The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas |
The Hine Bibliography: Selected Monographic Resources on Servant Leadership | Betsy N. Hine |
Hollowed Out: Why the Economy Doesn't Work Without a Strong Middle Class | David Madland |
Homegoing | Yaa Gyasi |
The House on Mango Street | Sandra Cisneros |
How to Grow a Beard: A Military Transition Guide Back into Civilian Life | R. Graves |
How to Make Meetings Work | Michael Doyle & David Straus |
How to Win Friends and Influence People | Dale Carnegie |
I | |
Title | Author |
I Can't Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I've Put My Faith in Beyoncé | Michael Arceneaux |
I Heart Recruitment: The Eight Steps to Limitless Possibility for Sororities | Colleen Coffey and Jessica Gendron, Foreword by: Matt Mattson & Josh Orendi |
Imaginative Events for Training: A Trainer's Sourcebook of Games, Simulations, and Role-Play Exercises | Ken Jones |
In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory & Women's Development | Carol Gilligan |
Insights on Leadership: Service, Stewardship, Spirit, & Servant-Leadership | Includes Essays By: Peter Block, Ken Blanchard, Margaret Wheatley & James A. Autry, Foreword by Stephen R. Covey |
Inspiration for Greeks: Encouragement, Humor & Motivation for Greeks | Greeks, Co-Authored By: Anthony J. D'Angelo, Rick Barnes, Damien Duchamp, Lisa Fedler, Monica Lee Miranda, Rick Morat, & Beth Saul |
Inspiration for LGBT Students and Their Allies: Encouragement, Empowerment & Motivation for LGBT Students & Their Allies | LGBT Students & Their Allies, Co-Authored By: Anthony J. D'Angelo, Stephen D. Collingsworth, Jr., Mike Esposito, Gabriel Hermelin, Ronni Sanlo, Lydia A. Sausa, & Shane Windmeyer |
Inspiration for Student Leaders: Encouragement, Humor & Motivation for Student Leaders | Student Leaders, Co-Authored By: Anthony J. D'Angelo, Daniel E. Ashlock, Jr., Lucy Shaffer Croft, Dan Oltersdorf, W.H. "Butch" Oxendine, Mary Alice Ozechoski & Elizabeth Randazzese |
Instant Icebreakers: 50 Powerful Catalysts for Group Interaction and High-Impact Learning | Nancy Loving Tubesing and Sandy Christian |
The International Bank of Bob: Connecting Our Worlds One $25 Kiva Loan at a Time | Bob Harris |
Introductions to Leadership: Concepts and Practice | Peter G. Northouse |
The Introverted Leader: Building On Your Quiet Strength | Jennifer B. Kahnweiler |
Involvement in Campus Activities: And Retention of First-Year College Students | Tracy L. Skipper and Roxanne Argo |
Involving Colleges: Successful Approaches to Fostering Student Learning and Development Outside the Classroom | George D. Kuh, John H. Schuh, Elizaeth J. Whitt, & Associates |
It Takes a Pillage: An Epic Tale of Power, Deceit & Untold Trillions | Nomi Prins |
J | |
Title | Author |
Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills | David W. Johnson and Frank P. Johnson |
K | |
Title | Author |
The Kurdish Bike | Alesa Lightbourne |
L | |
Title | Author |
Leadership 101 | John C. Maxwell |
Leadership and the Quest for Integrity | Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. & Richard R. Ellsworth |
The Leadership Challenge Activities Book | James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner |
The Leadership Challenge: The Most Trusted Source on Becoming a Better Leader | James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner |
The Leadership Compass: Values and Ethics in Higher Education | John R. Wilcox and Susan L. Ebbs |
Leadership for a Better World | Susan R. Komives, Wendy Wagner, & Associates |
Leadership is Everybody's Business | John D. Lawson, Leslie J. Griffin, and Franklyn D. Donant |
A Leadership Journal: Women in Leadership - Sharing the Vision | Distributed by Columbia College |
The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises for Building Effective Leaders | Lois B. Hart and Charlotte S. Waisman, Foreword By: James M. Kouzes |
Lead On!: The Complete Handbook for Group Leaders | Leslie Griffin Lawson, Franklyn D. Donant, and John D. Lawson |
Life After Graduation: Your Guide to Success | Terry Arndt & Kirrin Coleman |
Life During College: Your Guide to Success | Terry Arndt & Kirrin Coleman |
Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times | Donald T. Phillips |
Listening: Attitudes, Principles, and Skills | Judi Brownell |
M | |
Title | Author |
Making Meetings More Productive | Myron Gordon |
Management Without Tears: A Guide to Coping with Everyday Organizational Problems | James O. McDonald |
Managing from the Heart | Hyler Bracey, Jack Rosenblum, Aubrey Sanford, and Roy Trueblood |
Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change | William Bridges |
Man's Search for Meaning | Viktor Frankl |
Martin Luther King, Jr. On Leadership: Inspiration & Wisdom for Challenging Times | Donald T. Phillips |
Meeting and Event Planning for Dummies | Susan Friedman |
The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams that Win Consistently | Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker |
Mind-Body Magic: Creative Activities for Any Audience | Martha Belknap |
The Modern American College | Arthur W. Chickering and Associates |
Motivating the Middle: Fighting Apathy in College Student Organizations | T.J. Sullivan |
Multiculturism on Campus: Theory, Models, and Practices for Understanding Diversity and Creating Inclusion | Michael J. Cuyjet, Mary F. Howard-Hamilton, and Diane L. Cooper |
Multicultural Relations on Campus: A Personal Growth Approach | Woodrow M. Parker, James Archer, Jr., and James Scott |
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter | Liz Wiseman with Greg McKeown, Foreword By: Stephen R. Covey |
N | |
Title | Author |
The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College | Harlan Cohen |
Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave | Frederick Douglass, Lectures on Liberation Edition By: Angela Y. Davis |
The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America's Prosperity, Security, and Sustainability in the 21st Century | Mark Mykleby, Patrick Doherty, and Joel Makower |
No-Nonsense Delegation | Dale D. McConkey |
No One Cares About Crazy People: My Family and the Heartbreak of Mental Illness in America | Ron Powers |
O | |
Title | Author |
One Minute Manager | Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson |
Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint | Eric M. Eisenberg, H.L. Goodall Jr., & Angela Trethewey |
Organizations, Clubs, Action Groups: How to Start Them, How to Run Them | Elsie E. Wolfers & Virginia B. Evansen |
Organizing for Dummies | Eileen Roth with Elizabeth Miles |
P | |
Title | Author |
A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity | Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn |
Pedagogy of the Oppressed | Paulo Freire |
People: Managing Your Most Important Asset | Harvard Business Review |
People Skills | Robert Bolton |
Playing Along: 37 Group Learning Activities Borrowed From Improvisational Theater | Izzy Gesell |
Poke the Box | Seth Godin |
Powerful Communication Skills: How to Communicate with Confidence | Colleen McKenna |
Priceless Motivation: Quick Tips to Excite and Inspire Your Most Valuable Asset...People! | Baudville, Inc. |
Principles and Types of Speech Communication | Raymie E. McKerrow, Bruce E. Gronbeck, Douglas Ehninger, and Alan H. Monroe |
Q | |
Title | Author |
Quality Customer Service | William B. Martin |
Quality Interviewing: A Step-By-Step Action Plan for Success | Robert B. Maddux |
R | |
Title | Author |
The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership | Steve Farber |
Reaching for Higher Ground in Conflict Resolution: Tools for Powerful Groups and Communities | E. Franklin Dukes, Marina A. Piscolish, and John B. Stephens, Foreword By: Mark Gerzon |
Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness & Self-Actualization | David W. Johnson |
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An Anthology on Racism, Antisemitism, Sexism, Heterosexism, Ableism, and Classism | Maurianne Adams, Warren J. Blumenfeld, Rosie Castaneda, Heather W. Hackman, Madeline L. Peters, and Ximena Zuniga |
Real Men Do Cry: A Quarterback's Inspiring Story of Tackling Depression and Surviving Suicide Loss | Eric Hipple |
The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism | Naoki Higashida |
Reframing Campus Conflict: Student Conduct Practice Through a Social Justice Lens | Jennifer Meyer Schrage & Nancy Geist Giacomini |
Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership | Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal |
Refuse to Lose: 6 Ways to Overcome Obstacles & Win the Game of Life | Odell A. Bizzell II |
Release Your Brilliance | Simon T. Bailey |
Republic, Lost: The Corruption of Equality and the Steps to End It | Lawrence Lessig |
The Reputation Economy: How to Optimize Your Digital Footprint in a World Where Your Reputation is Your Most Valuable Asset | Michael Fertik and David C. Thompson |
S | |
Title | Author |
Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Self Leadership | Ken Blanchard, Susan Fowler, and Laurence Hawkins |
The Self-Made Leader: 25 Activities for Facilitated Personal Development | Mike Woodcock and Dave Francis |
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures | Anne Fadiman |
Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times | Amy Goodman & David Goodman |
Step Forward: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - What You Need to Know! | Susan L. Webb |
StrengthsFinder 2.0 | Tom Rath |
StrengthsQuest: Discover and Develop Your Strengths in Academics, Career, and Beyond | Donald O. Clifton, Edward "Chip" Anderson, & with Laurie A. Schreiner |
Striving for Excellence in College | M. Neil Browne and Stuart Keeley |
Student Development in College: Theory, Research & Practice | Nancy J. Evans, Deanna S. Forney, Florence M. Guido, Lori D. Patton, Kristen A. Renn |
Students Helping Students: A Guide for Peer Educators on College Campuses | Steven C. Ender and Fred B. Newton |
Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure: The Complete Modern Manual Conforming to Current Practice and Law and Covering the Rules of Order for All Types of Meetings | Alice Sturgis |
The Success Principles: How to Get Where You Want to Be | Jack Canfield |
The Super Achievers | National Institute of Business Management, Inc. |
T | |
Title | Author |
Teaching College Freshmen | Bette LaSere Erickson and Diane Weltner Strommer |
Teaching What Really Happened: How to Avoid the Tyranny of Textbooks & Get Students Excited About Doing History | James W. Loewen |
Team-Building Activities for the Digital Age: Using Technology to Develop Effective Groups | Brent D. Wolfe and Colbey Penton Sparkman |
Teamwork 101 | John C. Maxwell |
Teamwork and Teamplay: Games and Activities for Building and Training Teams | Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan and Glenn Parker |
The Tell-Tale Brain: a Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human | V.S. Ramachandran |
There There | Tommy Orange |
To Do, Doing, Done!: A Creative Approach to Managing Projects & Effectively Finishing What Matters Most | G. Lynne Snead and Joyce Wycoff |
Travel as a Political Act | Rick Steves |
The Turtle of Oman | Naomi Shihab Nye |
Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types that Determine How We Live, Love and Work | Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen |
W | |
Title | Author |
Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics, & Promise of Sports | Dave Zirin |
Well-Read Black Girl: Finding Our Stories, Discovering Ourselves | Glory Edim |
What It Is Like to Go to War | Karl Marlantes |
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism | Robin DiAngelo, Foreword by Michael Eric Dyson |
White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son | Tim Wise |
Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life | Spence Johnson, Foreword by Kenneth Blanchard |
Why Have Kids? A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness | Jessica Valenti |
Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time | Michael Shermer |
Women of Influence, Women of Vision: A Cross-Generational Study of Leaders and Social Change | Helen S. Astin and Carole Leland |
Working Together: 55 Team Games | Lorraine L. Ukens |
The Worlds Most Powerful Leadership Principle: How to Become a Servant Leader | James C. Hunter |
A World Without Boundaries: A Story of Human Atrocities, Despair, Migration, and Interconnections | Ge Xiong |
Writing that Means Business: How to Get Your Message Across Simply and Effectively | Ellen Roddick |
Y | |
Title | Author |
Your College Experience: Strategies for Success | John N. Gardner, A. Jerome Jeweler, and Betsy O. Barefoot |
Page Family